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Roger Gilman - Marlborough Tree Care

Roger Gilman - Marlborough Tree Care

Job title: Lead Climber
Industry: Arboriculture
Company: Marlborough Tree Care
Location: Marlborough, New Zealand


Reecoil tools:

How long have you been in the industry?  2 years studying, 5 years on the tools in 4 different country's.

What does your typical work day involve?  Everyday is different, that's what makes this job so enjoyable! It can vary from pruning small fruit tree's to machine assisted felling, to being stood at the top of a pole with a 66, tip reductions and the occasional crane assisted removal. Lots and lots of raking! 


What's the biggest challenge of your job?  There are many challenges that you face in Arboriculture, mental & physical. Keeping a logical thought process and not letting fatigue compromise your decision making after spending long periods of time in the harness is a big challenge that must be avoided for the safety of yourself & your team! 


What’s your proudest work accomplishment so far?  There is no particular accomplishment I am most proud of, I'm continuing to reach personal goals and still working towards many more! I'm proud of the career I've carved out for myself with the help of so many people, they know who they are!


What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone wanting to start in your industry? There is too many to just list 1, find a good mentor! Always be willing to subordinate yourself to people who know more than you, everyone can teach something! never opt for the easiest tree, you won't learn anything! Get in to the comp scene as soon as you can. Always trust your gut instinct & stay humble! 

You can follow Rog's work on Instagram @rogergilman

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