Who Is Rainforest Connection?
Rainforest Connection is an amazing organisation started by Topher White that is protecting forests and nature reserves around the world, from illegal logging and poaching.
They do this in an ingenious way, by recycling old cell-phones and transforming them into solar-powered listening devices, that can monitor and pinpoint activity from a great distance.

This changes the game by providing the world's first real-time logging detection system, pinpointing deforestation and poaching activity as it occurs, and providing the data openly, freely, and immediately to anyone around the world.
For the first time on a scalable level, responsible agents can arrive on the scene in time to interrupt the perpetrators and stop the damage, and the world can listen in as it occurs.
Rainforest Connection currently has their devices installed in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Cameroon and Sumatra. It is really amazing that they are protecting forests and wildlife on four continents, using this technology.
Bringing the rainforest to you:
On top of all the work they do, from development of the device, to traveling the world installing them and liaising with sanctuaries and authorities. They have also brought the Rainforest to you through their app.
Featuring live 360 audio and video from jungles in Brazil and Ecuador, to the forests of Romania. You can have a look around the canopies of these trees. Live streaming, with the possibility of seeing the local wildlife in action.
Seeing the work that Rainforest Connection does is truly inspirational.
From Reecoils stand point, creating equipment for the Arborist industry is a big part of what we do. We are proud of the fact that Arborists manage the interaction between humans and trees. Often allowing trees to remain in close proximity to houses and other infrastructure, through correct management and pruning techniques. Keeping some trees in situ for years longer than expected. Where they otherwise would have been completely and prematurely removed.
Alongside of Reecoils day to day work, we also have the pleasure of volunteering in climbs, to measure and document some of the biggest trees in Australia (and the world).
Climbing trees is great...but climbing trees in the forest is better!
Eucalyptus Regnans measure
We know the need for a more sustainable human existence, because we want to pass a healthy planet on to our children.
Rainforest Connection has created a way to take direct action, something that has been lacking for so long.