How much do you love your job? Enough to get a tattoo of it?
There's not a lot of people out there that love their industryย enough to get a tattoo of it. Iโve not really looked, but I donโt imagine thereโs many accountants or lawyers getting their jobs tattooed on themselves*.
Clearly thereโs something about being an Arborist, or actually climbing for a living that makes you feel really connected to it.
Maybe itโs working in a high adrenaline environment and doing things most people wouldnโt. Or maybe itโs just because itโs a cool job to have.
Either way, I wanted to share some of the best Arborist Tattoos Iโve come across.
Here's Viktoria Carstens with a fresh chainsaw chain link tattoo. I've seen a few people with a full chain, but a single link is a cool new take on it (definitely Husqvarna by the way). Pic: courtesy of Viktoria.
Tree silhouette tattoos on arms and wrists look good. Changing up the tree species, to change the silhouette shape is a great way to really personalise this style. Pic: arbtalk.co.uk (Python)ย
The gnarly tree tattoo is a bit of a favourite. If this is the kind of style you're after, check out the gnarly tree from the movie Pans Labyrinth for some more inspiration.ย Pic: arbtalk.co.uk (Mr Oz)
Here's Brucey with an Eucalypt leaf tattoo inside of his gun. The detail in this is awesome, especially with it all out of one colour. It's a very meaningful tattoo, so thanks for sharing it. Pic: courtesy of Bruce Fowles
Back to the chainsaws, here's a great Arborist Tattoo. This saw has got some great detail! But check out the next one...ย Pic: arbtalk.co.uk (Chip).
You've probably seen this one shared before, but it's just too detailed not to re share! Pic: Jason and Sons Countreewide Tree Service out of Ohio, USA.
As well as those awesome Chainsaw Tattoos and Tree Tattoos. I think Arborists may have some competition in the tattoo department, coming from Tower Climbers.
Iโve never done any tower climbing, but have done a bit of rigging. Youโll be working at height, in a stressful environment, with cranes landing steels on and around you. While youโre swinging heavy tools, pinning and bolting everything togetherโฆ so you are definitely doing things most people wouldnโt. And itโs a cool job!
Because of this, I couldnโt help but share some tower climbers and riggers ink too. Maybe some inspiration for your next piece ;).
As far as the Tower Climber tattoos go, this is the firstย merge between towers and tree tattoos I'veย seen, with the tree roots as theย base of the tower. Pic: wirelessestimator.com (Frank De Lorenzo)
The detail in this Bull Pin tattooย
is awesome. Roy Lozano would have done some hard work pinning steels together to warrant getting this forearm tattoo. The simple design and heavy lines of his calf piece are pretty much the opposite style to the Bull Pin tat, but still cool and representing his industry well.ย Pic: wirelessestimator.com (Roy Lozano)
Clearly had to finish with a bang. Tony Strenke has gotten great detail in this piece. From the full body harness to the scaff hooks. This guy is proud to be a tower climberย Pic: wirelessestimator.com (Tony Strenke).
If youโve got any Tree Tattoos, Rigger Tattoos or any other Climbing Tattoos. Share them with us. It would be great to see them and to inspire other climbers and their ink.
Happy Climbing!
Just received a submission that's too good not to include
The amount of work that would have gone into this is amazing! Thanks for sharing Lucas! The fact that you can tell the climber is in a Treemotion harness and carrying a Kask helmet goes to show the level of detail. I think the flannel shirt really makes it too!
ย Here's the opposite side. There's so much personality in this piece, especially when you start noticing the Fibonacci sequence throughout.
Clearly tattoos say a lot about us. And they'veย not got the negative connotations that they once did.
Feel free to share your tattoos with us!